Update on Liam - 10 December 2006.

Our little miracle boy turned 3 weeks old on Thursday! Each day is a gift from God!
Here's a picture of me giving him his dinner.
He was getting 27 ml per feed when that photo was taken. However, the Doctor has taken his feeds down to 23 ml per feed. I cannot tell you what a roller-coaster ride each day is! Liam suddenly started with very disturbing behaviour about 3 days ago. He would simply stop breathing and his heart would stop! It is known as arythmia (not sure of the spelling). It would seem that some sort of drop in heart rate is quite normal after a feed. However, his has been a little more extreme. His full tummy seems to have two effects on him. Firsltly, a full tummy puts pressure on his litte lungs which makes it difficult for him to breath. Secondly, when his tummy is full he falls into a deep sleep and simply forgets to breath and let his heart beat! Thankfully, he is well connected! So, the moment his respiration drops, his heart beat drops, or his blood oxygen saturation drops the alarms sound! Then it just takes a couple of shakes to wake him and he gets going again. Amazing isn' it!? But, scary at the same time. It has meant that Megie and I have felt the need to spend as much time as possible with him to make sure that he is OK.
Here's a picture of our little lad sleeping in his incubator holding dad's hand.
And here's a picture of him wide awake holding Megie's hand.
Reader Comments (4)
Hi Guys
Just to let you know we think of you every day and pray for you.
Keep your chins up and the rewards will come through!!
Charlene and John
Peace Bro'
Dion, Megan and Courtney
We pray that our love for you might uphold you and give you strength. We thank God for the technology that allows us to be part of this miracle!
Love Danie & Dot
Thanks Brian (Bredenkamp). It is arhythmia! Not arythmia. As Brian rightly pointed out in an email, the condition has to do with rhythm, hence the need for a second (or first)'H'.