An eventful week!

My good friend Dr Bentley reminded me this evening that I had not updated my blog in a while.... Ha ha! Thanks Wes.
I don't have much time to write. However, I hope that a few photographs will compensate for that. The big events of this week were:
1. A scan to see our unborn son, Liam (Bliksem John), on Monday.
2. My Doctoral Graduation on Wednesday.
3. The John Wesley College Leavers' dinner and Valedictory service.
Each of these events was deeply special and significant in its own way. Liam is growing and developing very well. My Doctoral Grad was a great affirmation for years of study (my wife, Megan, worked out that I had been studying for 17 years since completing my schooling... It has passed far too quickly!) The College Valedictory service and dinner was truly a special event. We have had a remarkable group of students this year.
So, here are the pictures.
This photo was taken in the ZK Matthews Hall (google that name, it belongs to a truly significant South African Christian figure!) at the University of South Africa. Amazingly, the guest speaker on the evening was a Theologian from Scandanavia. By the way, how silly is that hat?
This next image is a picture of me standing in front of the Dean. The Dean reads a short resume (CV for the South Africans) for each Doctoral Candidate, and then reads the abstract of his or her Thesis before asking the Vice Chancelor to confer the Degree. I was the second Doctoral Graduate on the evening. It is quite nerve wracking standing up there... Quite a fuss is made of the Doctoral students, since the Masters students only have the title of their thesis read, and the undergraduate degree students only have their names read. Many fellow students offered congratulations, quite a few said they aiming for the 'red gown'. I'm sure many will do it! As an aside, I was the youngest person to receive a Doctoral degree this year. It feels like quite an honour (it also shows that they'll give a degree to just about anybody ;-).
This third photograph was also taken by my good wife! Here I have just been 'capped' (kneeling in front of the Chancellor, Prof Barney Pityana - also a name worth googling! He is a great guy, he came to speak at our humble seminary's 10th Anniversary celebrations in 2004 - he remembered me from that event and was quite excited to bestow the degree. It made it seem more personal). In this photo I am about to shake the hand of some senior functionary of the University - I am still not quite sure who he was. From here I moved forward to stand before the Registrar of the University who placed my Doctoral hood over my shoulders, and then off the stage and back to my seat.
UPDATE: Here's a short Video of he ceremony (if you haven't already had enough!). It is a flash based video hosted on youtube. So, if your internet connection is slow simply start it up and then come back in a few minutes, it will be loaded, restart it and watch!
Now on to the rest!
This last photograph is a photo of our staff and students outside the College Chapel. It was taken just before our leavers' service and dinner. In the centre, from left to right, my friend Wessel Bentley (mentioned above), then me, then Rev Madika Sibeko, Dr Neville Richardson (fondly known as 'the captain'), and Rev Ruth Jonas. Neville is the Principal of the seminary, I am the Dean, Madika is the co-ordinator of training for the ordained ministries, and Ruth is the co-ordinator of training for the lay ministries. The four of us make up the full time staff of the Education for Ministry and Mission Unit.
Well, that's the news from this week! Much blessing to all. I have a busy weekend ahead. However, I hope to share some of the projects that I've been working on in the next few weeks. I have been asked to write a chapter for a book on Wesley's sermons (44 scholards from different countries have been asked to work on one of Wesley's sermons each). I am also preparing an abstract for the paper on Wesleyan Theology in Southern Africa that I will present at the Oxford Institute in August next year. However, this weekend I am celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the Bryanston Methodist Church, officiating at a wedding, and conducting the Confirmation Service for Bryanston. Celebrations all round!
Reader Comments (2)
Congrats! You look better in red than in pink.
Hi Dion,
I am deeply interested in all of Wesley's writings, especially in what he believed and taught on the subject of entire sanctification. I have ministered in the holiness movement for over 30 years. Unless I am ignorant of the facts (which is not unlikely), there seems very little debate on this subject in South Africa. I have, and continue to dialogue with people in the USA. I'm interested to know if you care to exchange thoughts on this topic.
Regards and all the best with your assignment on the chapter on Wesley's 44 sermons.
Regards and congratulations on your academic achievement.
Roy D Oosthuizen