I just can't connect the dots.

Wow! Take a look at my Clustr map (the most up to date version should be on your left somewhere near the top of this blog). Can you believe how quickly the dots have returned?!
You may have noticed that somewhere in September I cleared my map (it was by mistake, I'm sorry to say - one wrong click and all the dots disappeared. I was quite sad! I had put a few of those dots there during my travels around the world (I'm still missing one from Korea!)). It took ages for the dots to start coming back again!
Then, I post something about George Bush being drunk, or possibly something about transgender sexuality (I think it is more likely to be the latter, rather than the former) and VIOLA all the dots re-appear!
Isn't it scary to think that each one of those dots could represent some person searching for "transgender" and "sex" somewhere on the web? MMmmmmm...... Makes one think doesn't it?
I haven't been brave enough to do it myself (search for those terms, that is)... What if someone sees me? What if some l33t haX0r from a 'warez site', or 'all free serialz', or 'free mp3 downloads', or 'porn king' is 'sniffing my packets' (and no that is not some kind of sexual innuendo, it means to trace someone's movement online!). PS. I inserted all those terms to see whether I get a whole lot MORE hits to my page from strange places! Watch the dots, and let's see if it works!
How about one of you types that ["transgender" AND "sex"] into google and see if my website comes up? Wouldn't that be a HOOT! Let me know what you find! I would be very interested to hear!
Of course, the easiest way to get 10 000 hits to your page is to post it to www.digg.com and manage to get 'dug' to the front page. We all live in hope.
Reader Comments (2)
Dion's random ramblingsDion's random ramblings ... How about one of you types that ["transgender" AND "sex"] into google and see if my website comes up? Wouldn't that be a HOOT! ...
www.spirituality.org.za/blogger.html - 61k - 25 Oct 2006 - Cached - Similar pages
Yes it did. But I cheated and searched for [transgender sex Dion]because it brought up a lot of stuff. Here yours was last on the first page.
Can you tell I'm supposed to be studying for an exam?
I got here searching for apartheid and images
I am organising an english class for my french high school in Lyon :)