Podcast updates

Well, I am back at work after taking two weeks off work to look after my daughter during her school holidays, and to do some work on my Doctorate. The good news is that I managed to complete another chapter towards my Thesis!
The result of this work should be another podcast (which I will record and publish this week) on Ken Wilber's four quadrants of reality. It is truly a fascinating concept that explains the existence of holons (which were discussed in a previous podcast) and how the elements of individual, social, interior and exterior relate to one another bring a holistic understanding of reality.
If you are downloading the shows directly, I would like to encourage you to subscribe to the show via iTunes. This will make it easy for you to get updates to the podcast (iTunes automatically downloads the latest show), and it gives me some fairly accurate statistics of the number of persons that are listening to the show (currently there are about 50 subscribers via iTunes). Here's how you do it:
1. Go to www.apple.com/itunes and download iTunes 4.9 for Windows or Mac.
2. Once you have installed iTunes go to the 'Advanced' option in the Menu items, select 'Subscribe to Podcast'
3. Enter the following feed into the window that opens: http://feeds.feedburner.com/dionsrandomramblings
That's it!
Also, if you get a chance, please vote for this podcast at www.podcastalley.com. Search for 'spirituality' on the top left of the page, in the results find "Spirituality Southern Africa", click on the link, select details and vote!
Thanks for checking in!
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