Wow! What an amazing idea!

A first post!
I am constantly amazed at what can be achieved with the right tools!
This is the second post to my weblog. What is is most
amazing about it is that I am putting this post onto the net using my
G4 iBook. Previously I had to do all posts from my 12" Powerbook
which has my blogging software installed on it. However, with I can simply email my entries in and have them added!
How cool is that!?
This will mean that I can add entries from virtually anywhere using
any one of my internet connected devices (Powerbook, iBook, Nokia
9500, iMate, Treo 600 etc. etc.)
Let's see how it goes!
Reader Comments (3)
Let's see if this works.... This is a reply to my own post!
This is me (Dion) - it is the 28th of September 2009. None of the gadgets mention above are alive any more! I now us a Macbook Air as my primary computer, an iPhone 3GS as my cell phone...
but, I still have this blog! It has recorded the birth of my son (search for Liam') and the death of my father (search for 'Donald Ian'), the award of my PhD and the publication of 5 of my 6 books to date...
I still love the internet and the community around this blog!
A third stage has been the move to for my blogging engine! This post comes on the 18th of February 2010. I moved to squarespace earlier this month, and also moved my blog form to
The Macbook Air has now been replaced by a 13" Macbook Pro, I still have the iPhone 3GS and use both of these tools to keep this blog up to date!