Tillich, Anselm or God forbid, Karl Barth! Have you ever wondered!?

A good friend of mine, Wessel, sent me a link to the following fun website. It is a quick quiz that tells you what Theologian your own theology most resembles. He is one of the best theologians I know. His score was pretty accurate. Follow this link to do the quiz. I would love to hear some results, so if you do the quiz send me an email and let me know!
Here are my results (Good Lord, Charles Finney and Jonathan Edwards!):
You scored as Paul Tillich.
Paul Tillich sought to express Christian truth in an existentialist way. Our primary problem is alienation from the ground of our being, so that our life is meaningless. Great for psychotherapy, but no longer very influential.
Paul Tillich 80%
Jurgen Moltmann 73%
Anselm 73%
Friedrich Schleiermacher 67%
Augustine 60%
John Calvin 53%
Charles Finney 40%
Martin Luther 33%
Jonathan Edwards 27%
Karl Barth 20%
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